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Friday 28 July 2017

Microsoft will now pay for Windows 10 security bugs - Bug Bounty Program

Posted by Jatoth Vijaya Bhaskar
Microsoft has finally launched a new dedicated bug bounty program to encourage security researchers and bug hunters for finding and responsibly reporting vulnerabilities in its latest Windows versions of operating systems and software.
Microsoft will now pay up to $250,000 for severe Hyper-V vulnerabilities, and security bugs in Microsoft Edge or Windows 10 preview builds will fetch up to $15,000. Security is always changing and we prioritize different types of vulnerabilities at different points in time, explains a Microsoft spokesperson in a blog post.

Microsoft strongly believes in the value of the bug bounties, and we trust that it serves to enhance our security capabilities.

Being the favourite target of hackers and cyber criminals, every single zero-day vulnerability in Windows OS—from critical remote code execution, mitigation bypass and elevation of privilege to design flaws—could cause a crisis like recent WannaCry and Petya Ransomware attacks.

In past five years the tech giant has launched multiple time-limited bug bounty programs focused on various Windows features, and after seeing quite a bit of success, Microsoft has decided to continue.


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